Your Friends Are Taking Advantage Of You – Don’t Give Up!

Friends are using you - don't give up!

Every day we meet different people and still meet new people. Some friends can become our true friends that we can always count on. However, there will also be some friends who will use your acquaintance for their own needs.

Friends only speak to you when they need something

This is the basic trait of a false friendship or personal gain. When someone only talks to you when they need something. It can be very simple and mundane things like borrowing a book. But also more complicated situations where a person asks you for money.

A lonely woman

Helping each other is a natural thing and it shows that we are good people. It is completely natural among friends. But if you start to notice that someone comes to you only when they need something, it may be time for you to see through your eyes.

Friends agree to go out with the whole pack, but they don’t invite you

Each of us wants our friends from different circles to get to know and like each other. But if someone who joined your pack relatively recently starts arranging to go out with your friends, ignoring you – and in fact hiding it – it’s a sign that something disturbing is going on.

Still, you need to be objective in such situations. We are just humans. We get jealous easily. We are concerned about our position in any community (including the community of our friends), even when we don’t really have any basis for it. Before we recognize that someone is unfair to us and cut off from them, it is worth analyzing the entire situation.

Friends only try to get to know you to get into your surroundings

These false friends only want to get close to you to get specific information or be around you. And they want to reap certain benefits from it. Situations like these are often obvious, yet we don’t think they can be, and we don’t take our suspicions seriously.

group of friends

We can list some very different situations here, so you should always be vigilant. It is possible that the person is trying to use you to get information about your job. Or to derive other benefits by referring to your acquaintance. Such people make it quite easy to misunderstandings later. As a result, you can get into more or less trouble without knowing exactly what happened.

Your friends never have time for you

A true, sincere friendship is never one-sided. There are times when we really need our close friends. We want to talk to them. Ask for a favor or help in certain situations. If someone you consider a friend always finds an excuse to take the time to help you, the friendship is certainly not worth it.

This situation usually goes hand in hand with the other person only talking to you when they want something. False friends always ask for help or favors, but they sink into the ground whenever you need them.

Fortunately, not everyone we meet has bad intentions and will try to use or hurt you, but it doesn’t hurt to try to think about whether someone is doing it from time to time.

Photo courtesy of wrangler

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